The National Indigenous Reform Agreement

The Queensland Government is committed to a new way of working with First Nations people to achieve better life outcomes in health, education, employment and housing. The agreement reflects the Queensland Government`s commitment to important reforms to reorganise relations in partnership with Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders. The agreement covers four priority areas and 16 socio-economic objectives. The Queensland Government will develop an implementation plan for the agreement and will continue to report on Queensland`s progress towards the targets through annual reports. COAG 2012. National Aboriginal Reform Agreement. Canberra: COAG. Accessed July 24, 2017, _archive/indigenous-reform/national-agreement_sept_12.pdf In July 2008, the Rudd government established the National Indigenous Health Equality Council, and in November of the same year, COAG approved the National Indigenous Reform Agreement, which set out six goals for closing the gap: assessing the progress made by COAG`s initiatives to address this gap, commentators have found: that there are a number of problems. These include the limitation of data, agreement on progress points, measurement of trajektories obtained in all legal systems and lack of targets in certain areas (e.g.

B justice). For example, the goal of closing the life expectancy gap cannot be measured in some legal systems, it is the subject of considerable debate about the methodology to be used to determine Aboriginal life expectancy, and it does not respond to short-term interventions. The focus on mortality rates is an interim alternative measure, but it remains subject to significant data restrictions. To achieve these goals, COAG has identified a number of building blocks (early childhood, education, health, economic participation, healthy homes, safe communities, governance and leadership). It has also enabled a series of indigenous-specific national partnerships, namely: the Queensland Closing the Gap report shows the state`s progress in tackling the seven gap closing targets – and highlights positive results and areas for improvement. The coag Reform Council report shows that three goals (infant mortality, early childhood education and year 12 or equivalent benefits) have made good progress, but the results achieved for the remaining three goals (overall expectation, academic outcomes and employment outcomes) are less positive. . .
